More skiing! Oliver got so excited every morning to get his boots on. He would go into the ski room and bring everyone their boots. Then he happily skied with Daddy as many times as he could before Elora got tired.
Every day we packed his pockets with snacks. Here he is sharing his raisins with Elora on the cable car.
Elora skied down with Daddy from the top of the cable car while Oliver and Mommy rode back down. Ollie was so sad that he didn’t get to ski down!
Mommy loaded up with kids skis and poles so that Daddy could carry the heavy skis… The worst part of skiing with kids is getting back to the apartment each day. By then they are tired and for some reason don’t understand that we can’t carry them because we are loaded down with a bunch of gear.
Oliver’s first picture with the camera – Sarita with Marion. We love the dreamy effect of the cold camera lens that fogged up when we went inside.
Oliver’s second picture… Elora is such a goober.
There was a big balloon in our apartment for some reason which provided lots of entertainment!
Elora drew a nice picture of the family.
Elora has the yellow hair with the purple bow (she loves purple), Oliver also has yellow hair (that is what she calls blond hair), Daddy is blue because he is so cold, Mommy has green hair because that is her favorite color, and baby Marion is also blue, and I think Elora did a great job drawing Marion – her hair sticks up just like that!
We’re prepping Marion for next season! Gotta get used to wearing the gear!
Chris and I went back out in the afternoon. The clouds blew in with a big snowstorm, so we really couldn’t see anything but white. It was only supposed to snow about 5 cm. We got about 10 inches.
That night it was Dirty Teddy’s birthday! So we bought some ice cream, and sang to him after dinner.
Then Daddy helped Elora trace all the places she skied on the ski map.
Here she is showing off her ski map. She was so excited about the map that she has been drawing ski maps in her coloring books ever since.
That night was night skiing, so I agreed to go out with Chris in the cold, snow storm.
After trying the long run that was covered in ten inches of powder (and being terrified) I decided to hang out on the blue run while Chris skied the red run a couple more times. It was nice being out at night in the quiet, with few people, and on the blue run there was just a couple inches of powder. It was nice skiing, I am glad I agreed to go.
Here we are on the way home. Still snowing!
Here is a nice video of the night skiing. In case you are wondering about the choice of song, I had this song stuck in my head the whole time I was skiing.