To continue with our way behind blog posting… we tried out this awesome thermal spa in Vienna called Therme Wien. There are a whole bunch of different swimming pools, inside, outside, warm, cold, warmer, different mineral contents, etc. Very healing. Or something like that.The kids liked this one because it looks like a big tunnel. There was a nice waterfall in the back of the tunnel too. We didn’t get pictures, but there is also a huge waterslide. You know, like at Raging Waters, with the two seater tubes. SO FUN. I went with Chris a few times while Nana and Grampy watched the kids.
Here I am hanging out in the one foot kiddie pool, which is where we spent most of our time.
The kids found a yogurt bucket which was a big hit with the kids. The had a great time swimming around, splashing around, and trying out the different pools.
We don’t have floaties for Oliver which is sad, because he LOVES the water, but gets a little nervous to be on his own. He liked this little pool though because he could walk and sit without going under the water. And he loved hanging in the bigger pools with mommy and daddy too.
Afterwards we went to the cafe next door which is called Oberlaa, and is one of my favorites. Marion slept through the swimming so she never got to try out the water. She woke up just in time to watch us eat lunch.
Grampy with his schnitzel and spaetzle, which is the reason he comes to visit Austria! The spa was a really awesome place. A little pricey, but worth visiting! I wish it was a little closer to our apartment, the kids loved it and it was soooo nice to swim in the winter time.