
I know everyone wants more pics of Marion, but as we are trying to adjust to our new life with three kids, I am afraid we haven’t taken many pictures, let alone found time to put them up on the internet! So here is an old post I never got around to putting up… When we went to Frankfurt this summer, we also went to visit a friend of Chris’ who lives near there. We drove through tons of cute little villages all scattered throughout the green countryside of Germany.
Here was the town of Steinfischbach, which had this very interesting house at the border… someone with a lot of pride in the town name I guess!

We stopped to walk around a cemetary in one of the little towns. Strange, I know, but we like old cemetaries, and it was a beautiful day to walk around in such a peaceful place.
We went to lunch in a cute town called Ipstein that we absolutely loved. Somehow we did not get any pics of the food, but we took tons of pictures as we wandered around this quaint little village.
Oliver loves trains, and was fascinated by the displays in this model shop. Too bad all the train models are like 400 Euro…
All the buildings were beautifully painted. I love the look of this place with all the ornately decorated houses.
Closeup of some of the painted trim on the buildings.
We wandered up to the top of a hill in the center of town and found this little garden. The kids had a great time running around all the neatly trimmed hedges.

There was a big tower on top of the hill called the Hexturm. It is a place where they used to burn witches in the 1600s. Elora was fascinated by the tower, and of course had tons of questions about witch burning.
Here we are in front of the tower.
While we were looking at the tower, the kids found an old fisher price parking garage just leaning up against a wall in the garden. Chris and I both had this same one as kids. They loved it and stayed to play with it for a long time.
Me wondering if we should take the parking garage, or if it could possibly belong to someone if they left it in such a random location… We ended up taking it home and it is still one of the kids’ favorite toys. Why would anyone ever want to get rid of such an awesome toy?
The kids had fun looking at the painted doors around the town. Oliver loves doors, and Elora was excited to pose for pictures.More painted trim. We all had a really great time and loved this place. I am glad Chris’ friend took us to this little town so we could explore.
The kids were just a tad bit tired after wandering around the whole day… what a peaceful drive back to Frankfurt!

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