We went to see Karen on Wednesday at the hospital. The kids were still as excited as ever and did a good job taking turns holding Marion. Mommy was quite happy as you can see too! Karen says they feed her bread and yogurt for breakfast, but no milk or juice. Just tea, coffee, or hot chocolate. So we brought her some juice later that day.
Ollie is so cute. There’s something about holding a newboard baby that has everyone looking their happiest!
It’s so exciting to have little Marion into the world. Here’s Ollie hugging her with Elora looking on estatically. There’s this wonderful optimistic feeling that comes with bringing a new innocent life into the world.
Elora’s turn! With Nana helping for support. What a sweet smile she has.
Hopefully the kid’s joy with Marion won’t fade into jealousy! Maybe the extended stay in the hospital will prevent that. The kids are always asking if their baby sister can come home with them yet. Soon they’ll get their wish!
Prediction – Marion will have my hair and Karen’s eyes. Other than that she’ll look like Elora I think. Same nose, and cheeks. I wonder if she’ll have the dimple.
That’s all for now! We’re headed back to the hospital right now for another visit!

Is Marion wearing a hospital provided PJ or did you need to bring in your own baby PJs?
Hopsital jammies