My zoo pass expired the second week of October, so we headed over for our last visit to the Schonbrunn Zoo. This has been my favorite place to take the kids, and we will miss going. With winter coming and the move back to the US a few months away it doesn’t seem worth it to get another pass, but we will miss hanging out here.We met our friends Grace and Ethan at the zoo, and mostly ran around without seeing any animals. After they left, we ran into our friends Mia and Charlie! What a pleasant surprise for our last day at the zoo.The kids love this playground which is funny, because there is not much here. But jumping on rocks, climbing walls, and sitting on the big lizard are all favorite activities.
Oliver loves Mia and followed her around a lot, sometimes getting to hold her hand! I think he has a little crush on her…
We also went to the gelato shop, it is sooooo good. And who can resist Oliver saying, “Schokolade, schokolade!!!!”
We kept seeing this beautiful white peacock our whole day at the zoo. The kids sat watching it for quite awhile.
I tried to get a picture of Elora with the rhino… she was feeling very silly today though, so this was the best I could get!
The peacocks were guarding the entrance to the insect house, so here is Elora shooing them away. She really wanted to see the bugs!
Elora making a bug face. I am not sure what bug makes that face…
Elora spotting one of the huge stick bugs. Can you see any?
More fun at a playground. It was a beautiful sunny day, I am so happy that the weather was nice for our last zoo day.
Elora hanging out with the meercats. She really likes these little guys, especially when they start digging in the sand.
We were very lucky and the tigers were out playing today. The two tigers were chasing each other, sometimes wrestling, and other times just walking around, but we got to see them up close for a long time.
Elora asking me to take her picture. She loves to pose for pictures when she is feeling silly.
Look how close the tigers came! Oliver was especially excited and wanted to stay here all day. He cried when we left, saying, “No leave! More big kitty! Want to see kitty!” I just think it is funny that he calls a tiger a kitty… we had a great time and got to see most of the animals in the zoo today. And for the rest of the time we are here we will get to enjoy the other sights of Vienna!