We wanted to go check out the Ethnology museum (it has changing exhibits of different cultures) and Elora was so excited to see a new museum. We got there to find out that it is closed for three weeks so they can set up a new exhibit. Sigh. That might have been useful information to list on their website!We went to the Treasury instead since it is the only musuem in the area open on Mondays. Oliver was so good. He was very excited to see the old doors, keys, and swords. He walked around pointing to all the relics and asking what they were. This is the first time we went there that it was fun to have both kids looking at everything. Looks like we will have two museum kids after all! No pics from the inside, but afterwards we walked around downtown for a little while.The kids were happy to browse for postcards, and Elora is in a fun new phase where she likes to take “silly pictures”. I bet she will really appreciate this phase when she is older and looks back on all the pics of her at this age!
In front of the Hofburg. It was a little cold, so we had the kids in their winter coats. Sigh. We have even pulled out all the gloves, hats, and ski clothes to be washed and ready to go for winter.
Here we are in front of the big gate that cars can drive through to enter the Hofburg palace.
In front of the art museum. I love walking around the museums, they are all so beautiful.
We have never noticed this particular fountain before. The man is a merman, and notice he seems to be giving the lady a fish. Chris and I were discussing whether or not the lady seemed happy to receive the fish or not. What do you think?Now that the weather has turned back to beautiful, Oliver has a bad cold and we have been staying home. Sigh. Hope the nice weather lasts a little longer so we can enjoy a few more downtown days before the baby comes! Only a couple weeks left…