We went to the labyrinth to play, and were disappointed that the playground was closed due to some tree trimming. There are massive trees everywhere in the labyrinth grounds, and with all the storms and wind this summer, the trees were being trimmed back quite a bit.
We enjoyed watching the workers hanging in the trees from huge ropes, and then went into the one bit of the labyrinth that was open. We split up and Elora and mommy got to the center first and enjoyed watching Oliver lead Daddy through many twists and turns in the maze.
We all made it to the center! We then enjoyed taking the long route back out again, and I think I even visited some corners of the maze I have never seen before…
Then we strolled through the Schonbrunn grounds. Elora found a new statue we had never seen before, and had fun trying to pose like it.
We sat down in the rose garden and watched this little squirrel for quite awhile. He wasn’t scared of us at all, and Chris got pretty close to him while feeding him peanuts.
Oliver was more excited about a pair of ducks that were sleeping nearby and really wanted to feed them. We didn’t have any bread, but Elora threw some peanuts to them… and they loved them! So we enjoyed throwing peanuts at the ducks for awhile.