After thinking I was finished blogging Grandma’s visit, I found a bunch more pictures… so there will be a couple more days to finish of her trip!I took my mom to go see the Schonbrunn tour. It is such a beautiful palace inside and out. Chris graciously declined and took the kids to the labyrinth instead so we could enjoy our tour.
You are not really supposed to take pics, and I didn’t take many, but I love the intricate wall paneling in this room.
This small room is decorated with numerous pen and ink drawings, many done by members of the royal family.
We also took the kids to see the Wustenhaus – Desert Experience House. Elora has always wanted to go because there are big pics of lizards on the outside so she calls it the lizard house. On the way there we met some friendly ducks, so we paused for a few minutes so Oliver could feed them.
A large crowd gathered to feed the three ducks we saw, and eventually they got so full that they left. But the birds hung around for the leftovers…
Elora happily showing us some lizards inside the Wustenhaus. My mom hates snakes, so she let Elora go through first to warn her in case there were snakes. Luckily there was only one small snake exhibit. We should have taken her to the aquarium, there is a full floor of huge snakes there…
Elora was very nice about showing Oliver around and telling him about all the plants. I am not sure why she thinks she is an expert, but it was cute anyway.
Oliver’s favorite part of the whole day – the plastic curtain separating the rooms. He played happily here for a long time while we looked around, and then cried when I made him move on!
Elora loves to read all signs that teach her about animals and plants. They were mostly German, so it is fun to try and interpret (or just make up) what they say about plants and animals!
The Wustenhaus was really more of a botanical exhibit displaying different desert plants, and it was very pretty inside. It was a nice place to spend the morning. Elora really enjoyed all the plants and hunting for small birds and lizards.
Oliver liked this spiky plant. He kept touching it, saying “Ow ow ouch!” Repeat. A whole bunch of times. Definately worth the visit, unfortunately Elora keeps asking to go back and it would get expensive to continually return for more visits…