London Trip

Chris had to fly to a paintball tournament in London for some business, so we decided to make a family trip out of it thanks to some budget tickets on an airline called German Wings. Many of the inter-Europe flights still have you walk out to the plane on the runway when you board and arrive. The kids like it.This is just to point out the airplane rows skip over unlucky number 13. It goes straight from 12 to 14. But Karen was sitting in row 14….Oliver has flown many times by now, but he’s so young he doesn’t really remember much. He was excited to fly. Not so excited to be told he had to sit still in a seat belt. In fact, when landing he had the hardest time. He kept wanting to sit up on his knees and look out the window, but we wouldn’t let him get out of his seat belt, which led to lots of tears.Baby teddy got his own seat.

Dirty Teddy sat with Elora and examined the emergency exit procedures. Elora is occupied for about 40 minutes with these little charts. “Look there’s a fun slide!” “Look here’s what we do when the plane lands on water. I hope we land on water!” Err… if you are prepared ye shall not fear right?

The first three days of our trip we were all in a hotel outside of London for the paintball convention. We had great plans to drive around the country and see some of the sights outside of the big city, but unfortunately were unable to get our car rental because someone (ahem, Chris) forgot to bring his drivers license — it sits on a shelf and never gets used in Vienna, so it’s not in the wallet. And someone else (ahem, Karen) forgot to remind Chris to put it in his wallet after she had the thought before leaving that she should. But perhaps it’s for the best since they drive on the wrong side of the road in the UK… so we had to take a taxi and train everywhere.
After the first 3 days in one hotel room with 2 kids, and some energy-fanatic Holiday Inn hotel policies which decided to shut off the AC in each room at 3am so you wake up in the middle of the night dripping in sweat, the business portion of the trip was over and we went to our downtown London vacation rental apartment. It was a pretty nice apartment, but as you can see, space was limited. Look at the door in the photo above. The wall was actually built inside of the door frame. Full size door, half size entry.The first night in London we just got acquainted with our neighborhood, and bought food and snacks for the week. We found some sweet plastic shot glasses in the cupboard, and washed them out and filled them up with water for the kids. If you ever want your kids to drink lots of water, give them a tray of 8 shot glasses. We set it in front of them and they were so excited with the tiny cups they started downing them one after another. It was just like this scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, only without betting lots of money and passing out.

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