On January 6th we planned on going to the small town of Baden with our friends Om and Sawreeta. At the last minute Sawreeta had to work, so Om came with us and the kids. Baden is a town that is built around a natural spring that has been used since the Romans lived around here…
Now Baden has nice warm swimming pools that have natural spring water in them. The spring water doesn’t smell very good, but luckily they dilute it with nice chlorine water… Mostly it is just awesome to go swimming in a pool that is super warm.
Om hanging out in the biggest spring pool.
Elora in the kiddie pool. She thought all the pools were great, and was so excited to “swim” around with her floaties on.
Ollie was a big fan of the bubbling jets.
There was also a really warm outdoor pool that we went in. It is strange because it was freezing outside with snow on the ground, but the water is so warm, you don’t even notice.
Hanging out with the kids.
Both of our kids love water, and since we haven’t had much opportunity to swim this winter, this trip was a nice chance to play in the pool and forget about winter for awhile.
Chris thought it would be a great idea to get out of the pool and roll in the snow. Unfortunately there were plenty of posted signs that said not to get snow in the pool, so we figured rolling in the snow was out. Chris did convince me to put my feet in the snow. Strangely enough, when I got back in the pool he said, “didn’t that feel great?” Um, no… my feet were burning from the cold…
Om and Chris hanging out in the snow… Chris said it made his feet burn, but he liked it. Strange man.

Time to get out and go back home! We had a great time swimming, and wanted to check out the town, which is a quaint little village. Unfortunately, we were visiting on January 6th which is a holiday here called Epiphany. It is the day the three kings saw the star indicating Jesus had been born and started on their journey. So all the stores and cafes were closed. We will have to head back another time when Sawreeta is off work though, she is the one who planned the trip and she didn’t get to come! When we got home three teenagers dressed as wisemen came to our house and sang to us. Hmm. I guess that is tradition for the teens from different churches or schools to do this to raise money for charity. Learn something new on every random Austrian holiday…
Hello – It's Lara – Eggers in Kitzbühel Blog – I hope I am not too late with the reply as I only just saw your message on my blog today !!! Sorry – as far as "reasonably priced" goes in Kitz it's a bit hard ! I know Michaela – her link is:
I am not sure what she charges though? The Reith Ski School is the best one for kids in this area and they do 10-4 for kids with lunch or just mornings depending on the level of ability- link is:
All the prices are listed but they are also not that cheap … they have fantastic ski instructors and all are really good with the kids !
Otherwise you could try here:
This is the local kindergarten/creche but I a not sure if they take casuals?
I take it you can understand a bit of german with regard to the websites ?
Hope this helps !
Kind regards
Lara, Mike & Charly