The beautiful fall weather is here, so we headed over to the Schoenbrunn gardens to run around and play in all the leaves that have started to fall. Oliver thought this was a super fun game. He hasn’t spent much time playing in leaves before, and ran, laughing, back and forth over the pile of leaves I kept scooping together for him.
Elora decided to “make a blanket” out of leaves after she had finished jumping in them. Then we collected plenty of “treasure” (rocks, sticks, leaves, and berries) to bring home with us (lovely). It is also funny to note, that she is sitting in the pile of leaves Oliver had been playing in, and he started to cry! So I had to go make him a new leaf pile.
When we were packing up to leave, I saw a squirrel run onto the patch of grass where we were playing. I said, “Oliver, look at the squirrel!” pointing my finger at it. This is where he looked – notice the squirrel about twenty feet behind him in the picture.