This weekend there was a Chocofest at the Haus der Industrie Museum here in Vienna. Chris is off to work in Florida, so I called up some friends, and headed out for some chocolate samples!!When we got there we found a kid station with chocolate fingerpainting. I was so surprised that Oliver was very intent on making his painting, and not eating the chocolate. We tried to get him to lick his fingers to see that it was chocolate, but he just went back to making his painting!
It ended up being a little messy… chocolate on his shirt, pants, and then all that chocolate on his hands went… in his hair! This chocolate was meant to harden so that the paintings could be laquered and we didn’t get all the chocolate wiped off his head before it hardened there… After that he finally tasted his fingers and then proceeded to eat a whole bowl of liquid chocolate.
As you can see by her lovely mustache, Elora got to the chocolate eating before she finally became interested in the fingerpainting.
My friend Krista showing Elora all the pretty chocolates. These ones were expensive with no samples, so I can’t tell you if they were good or not, I went for the free stuff!
Elora didn’t want to get her face painted until she saw a little girl with a butterfly on her cheek. Then she went straight to the facepainting station and asked for a butterfly, showing the girl which colors to use. Then she asked for glitter and closed her eyes so no glitter would get in, making this cute squinched up face.
Proud of her butterfly!!!
Elora got to help paint Oliver’s face too, and he was very excited about it. Elora also painted my face, which I forgot that she had until people were looking at me funny on the train on the way home, and then I remembered that I had blue squiggly lines all over my cheek. Very pretty.
Elora put lots of glitter on Dirty Teddy to make him fancy. Then she got more glitter and proceeded to wipe it on the arms of everyone in the room (and in her friend Grace’s hair). “I am making everybody fancy!”
My friend Rene and her kids also came. There was an exhibit of chocolate paintings that Elora and Grace spent lots of time admiring. And Oliver spent lots of time jumping on and off the stage. It kept the kids busy while the adults admired all the gourmet chocolates that were too expensive to buy!
The girls stealing free samples. I guess it wasn’t technically stealing since they were free… Luckily most of the vendors were pretty nice about my crazy kidlets who kept begging for more chocolate.
After all the chocolate samples, the girls started running around giggling hysterically. Time to go outside and run off all the chocolate!
My friend Rene and I took the kids over to the fountain near Karlsplatz where Elora and Grace used some sticks to fight the dragons, and Oliver just ran around everywhere and pointed at the fountain, while Ethan toddled along trying to keep up with everyone! The clouds had mostly cleared and we were left with a beautiful fall evening. A great way to end our day!!!
And finally, Oliver at the end of the day. Chocolate on his pants, shirt, face, and the adorable face painting.