Our friend Om is trying to stop smoking, so we had him and some friends over for dinner to help him start a fifteen step program to stop smoking. Here is Chris in his new Austrian coat, cooking spaetzle. When Chris told a Viennese friend of ours that there were brown or green Austrian coats for sale at a store near our house, he said, “Don’t get thebrown one! Never get the brown one!” Meanwhile Chris had already bought the brown one, so he asked why not? And found out that the brown coats are associated with the people who live in the countryside (Kaernten), and Viennese people don’t like their politics (to put it nicely). Who knew coat color was so important in politics?
Anyway, here we are making signs for Om to post all over his house and work, reminding him to stop smoking.
One of the steps in the program is to use cinnamon mouthwash after every meal, and they don’t sell cinnamon mouthwash here… so we decided to make our own (saw it on Mythbusters once).
One bottle of Vodka and a whole lot of cinnamon later, we have some nasty brown goo that supposedly will become mouthwash in a coupleweeks (it worked on the TV!)

Chris has always been a brown coat anyway.
Looks like a fun party. I love spätzle. I zoomed in on the picture where everyone was making cards. Looks like some funny cards.
That looks gross. please let me know if it works… 🙂