Finally, we’ve reached the end of our Rhodes trip. It only took us 2 weeks…

Kebaps are one of our favorite foods in Vienna, and since it is similar to a Gyros we figured we’d try an authentic Greek Gyros (which is not pronounced Jy-Rows, you crazy New Yorkers, or Year-Rows, but rather Gir-rows, with a soft ‘g’). They sauteed the pita in oil, piled on meat, french fries and tzasiki. Mmmmm.
Every night after dinner we’d go down by the water and watch the tide come in as the sunset. Elora and Oliver really enjoyed it.
And after the sun went down? Party time! We let Elora and Ollie stay until the bitter end of the mini-disco party the last night. Oliver was really getting into things this time.
He was very excited to run into the middle of the pack of dancing kids and smile at us…right before he tried to crawl on the stage and dance with the performers.
Elora still talks about the songs they played every night at the dance party. They had a choreographed dance routine they’d run through for each song and Elora still remembers some of the moves. By the last night she was more confident and excited about participating.
Photographic proof that perspective makes all the difference…Who knew Elora was a vampire wombat?She was so excited to dance up on the stage with all the other kids around her. Here she is in her trademark, arms in the air, twirling around in a circle move.