Here is Karen and Ollie in front of one of the castle gates. The old city of Rhodes is really a fortified city, surrounded by castle walls connected to a Palace of the Grand Master. Here is Karen in front of one of the castle wall entrances to the city. Inside the city are hundreds of shops (more on that later), restaurants, plus residential areas. Because the city is surrounded by two large dry moats with castle walls on all sides, cars have to drive through the castle gates to get inside — cool!
Unlike typical cobblestone you see often in Europe, many streets (and shops) in Rhodes are paved with smooth stones turned on their side. Maybe they were just trying to get rid of all the beach stones so they could have some sandy beaches! It feels very different to walk on, but looks very cool as you can see here. We’re thinking about doing this back home.
Looking out across the bay from inside one of the castle walls. Elora was very excited to look out and see the water and the Fort.
An old ruinous staircase.
These pictures only show a small glimpse of the castle city. We actually went back 2 other days because there was so much to see and we’ll put up those photos later. Unlike some castles we’ve come across, Rhodes was actually a site of frequent battles. The island of Rhodes was invaded 13 times during its history by various nations and the castle and city was besieged 7 times.