To read the entirity of this post, click “Finish Reading” below. Our third and final day in Prague was marked by a few circular detours across the city. We discovered this interesting set of scupltures. I love it when you’re in a big city and you randomly find something cool — this happens often in Vienna.
After we got back from Kutna Hora, we found a nice street cafe to have some lunch. Chris ordered “the Highwayman’s Sword”, as shown above. Karen got Gulasch soup in a breadbowl, and Elora had Spaghetti Bolegnese, which she shared with Oliver. This was the only restaurant meal we had in Prague, and even though we cooked spaghetti every night in the apartment, Elora still wanted to eat spaghetti for lunch.
There were too many churches in Prague to keep all the names straight. The tower in this church was open for public viewing, so we hiked all the way up the narrow, windy, dark staircase. Elora climbed them all by herself. It was a long way!
On the way up the staircase there were a few small rooms with exhibits. This room had several church bells you could ring to mimic the sounds that were made at different times (for mass, distress signal, or funerals). Oliver and Elora thoroughly enjoyed ringing the bells.
Once at the top, Ollie walked in circles around the top of the turret, stopping to look out at the view several times. He was really excited to be so high up above the streets. And he cried when we left…
The view from the top was nice. It was a very narrow balcony, so whenever someone wanted to pass you they had to shimmy on by.
Looking across the top of the church toward Prague castle in the background.
Here is the front of the church. Unfortunately we didn’t get to go in because they were having a concert that we were too cheap to pay to go into and because as soon as we bought the tickets there would be a 95% chance of one or both kids spazzing out.
It turns out Ollie really loves sitting in front of doors. He’s just happy to be hanging out. As soon as he sees a large door in front of a staircase he crawls up it as fast as he can, giggling all the way and when he gets to the top he plops down in front of the door.
This guy and Ollie are apparently kindred spirits.
We stopped for some Gelato. Surprisingly Elora voluntarily shared hers with Oliver. Amazing!
Oliver really enjoyed it, as you can tell. What’s even more interesting is Elora enjoyed sharing it with him as much as he enjoyed eating it.
After ice cream we found a nice old Czech man playing the saxophone. After we gave him a handful of Czech Crowns (it’s funny money, who knows how much it is worth?) he even gave Elora a postcard…of himself. She was thrilled!
After enjoying the music, Elora and Oliver strolled off into the sunset, hand in hand.
On the way back to our apartment. One more time in Old Town Square. This time we brought some bread to feed the birds, which Elora did very well until she got too excited and scared them all away.
Finally on the train ride home, Ollie was exhausted and fell quickly asleep.
Elora and Daddy meanwhile enjoyed watching “The Cat from Outer Space” on the computer. You can see Chris really enjoyed it. After watching it, Elora has been pretending she is a cat and that her quilt is a spaceship.