We went on a Church activity that was a hike through the old ImperialHunting Grounds called the Lainzer Tiergarten that is just on theborder of Vienna. Elora had a great time playing with all the people and was thrilled tolearn a new game – Frisbee! Here we can see one of the newmissionaries named Elder Bangerter (he’s from Utah) teaching Elora howto catch the frisbee.
At the end of the hike, there was a playground at the very top of ahill. It was a long long long walk up the windy dirt path with the twoseater stroller. But luckily Elora got carried halfway by someone elseand Ollie actually walked a good portion of it. That’s right he canwalk now! (sorta)
We ate lunch at the park and then quickly ran back home just in timeto go to an “American” football game with some friends. It was acharity event and University of Illinois Weslyian came out to play theRaiffaisen Bank Vikings, a football team that is apparently based outof Vienna. Can you guess who won? The score was like 70 to 7 orsomething…
It looks like Elora is about to say, “Ffffooootball!”
Ollie and Elora really loved the game. Elora was thrilled to watch theball get kicked and see all the people running back and forth. But shewas even more happy about finding some Austrian kids sitting next tous and mooching cookies off them. Danke!
Everytime people would clap and cheer Elora start clapping andcheering too even though she didn’t know why. Unfortunately there wasnot much cheering going on since the home team got stomped on. Butthey did return one kick off for their only touch down, which got somemajor cheers.
Elora cheering after the one and only touch down for the home team… We were thinking the Illinois team should have had their defense play
offense and vice versa to give the Vikings a chance. All in all it was a very busy and fun day!