When it got rainy a couple weeks ago, Elora and Grace had to postpone their playdate at the zoo, and we decided to go back to the Schmetterling Haus instead. This time Elora found a butterfly that would let her hold it!
Elora called it “her best friend butterfly” and after she held it for awhile she found a very nice flower to set it on.
When Elora saw this butterfly, she said, “Bonjour!” and then proceeded to try and catch it. This one, however, had no interest in being caught.
Oliver likes the Schmetterling Haus because he crawls in the muddy gravel and splashes in the river. One of the fish even came up to give his hand a kiss!
Grace got a new butterfly umbrella from the gift shop, and she let Elora come share it with her while we walked back to the U-Bahn.