Here are some random photos we found amusing for one reason or another. The two teddies, as I found them one night when I walked out in the hall. Guess which one is the dirty teddy?
Gummy Hamburgers. We got Elora this gummy burger at a chinese restaurant. Each piece was a seperate gummy. She was thrilled. Cute.
Pistachio Magnum Bars! Imagine a Hagan Daas ice cream bar, but with pistachio flavored ice cream and pistachio nuts. Yummm. But they cost more than a tasty Cornetto so we probably won’t get them too often.
Spaghetti kids… Elora loves pasta, which is good as we eat it so often because its cheap (2lbs of pasta for $1).
Oliver is a little slurper. He’s at the stage where he likes to pick up and eat his own food. Except he takes very small bites. And if he ever has too much food in front of him he gets frustrated and smashes it all around and throws it off the table. Maybe he’s like, “I eat so slow this is gonna take for ever!!!” But if you only put a couple pieces in front of him at a time he’s a happy camper. Notice the awesome Nightmare Before Christmas “two fer” shirt.