When we got home from Budapest, the weather in Vienna was beautiful (finally!!!) so we set off to the zoo with Elora’s friend Charlie and his big sister Mia.When the younger kids saw Mia climb to the top of the Panda bear, they wanted to try it too! It was fun to see them all play together. Elora loves to see Mia – I think it is fun for her to have a girl bigger than her to teach her how to play princess and mermaid and all those fun girly games.
No trip to the zoo would be complete without some big cats. We were lucky today and saw the leopards up close. I don’t think we have ever seen them this close before. We also got to see the Cheetahs walking around. I think now that the weather is getting warmer we might be seeing less of the cats playing and more of the cats sleeping…
I have never seen the hippos outside before, so I thought this was pretty cool, and funny that they just dumped a bunch of apples outside for the hippos to munch on. A step up from the hay I usually see them eating!
There is a neat water playground at the zoo, with a water pump that kids can use to pour water into a series of troughs and pools. Elora and Oliver both had a great time and got soaking wet. Ollie’s pants had to be laid out on the stroller sun shade in hopes that they would get dry after he decided to crawl through a few of the water pools.
Elora and Charlie had a great time running around together. If you look closely at Elora’s pants you can see just how much fun she had at the water park…
And another ride on the Ford tractor! Elora is appropriately dressed for the ride in her “farmer pants”.
Chris came with us, for which Charlie’s mom and I were very grateful – he was good at running after the crazy kids so that us moms could just stroll along behind. It’s amazing how fast Elora and Charlie are when they decide to run away…
I am not sure what game they were playing, but it involved lots of shrieking (Elora), laughing, running, and pointing at the pictures of birds.
On the way home Oliver wanted to hold Elora’s hand. So cute.