Bad Kleinkirchheim Spa

Our 6 day ski passes came with a 3 day pass to “the Thermes” (pronounced “terms”), a thermal bath and spa. It’s basically a big swimming pool complex, where instead of having heated water the pools are a natural hot spring. So the water is very comfortable and also tastes really weird if you get a taste.
Elora was really excited to try out her Schwimmflugel – floaties. We bought them a couple days before we left and she thought the box was so cool, even though she had no idea what they were. It took some getting used to the idea that should could actually swim around without having to cling to whatever was nearby. The Thermes also had an outdoor section of the spa, where you could swim from the inside to the outside. Ollie thought it was pretty neat. Look, Teddy even got to come and enjoy the Thermes with us. Elora always says, “We can’t leave Teddy behind, he will cry.”

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