Happy Halloween! We did not bring Halloween costumes with us, because we figured that Austrians did not celebrate the holiday. However, someone at Chris’ school said that some people around here do trick-or-treat, so Chris purchased the kids some costumes when he was in Florida last week. Elora has an awesome pirate princess dress that she wore all day today (complete with sword that she carries around the house and tells Ollie, “No, no, you don’t play with that!” and pirate tattoos which are on her arms and skull and cross-bones tights, which Elora says,”These are tights. We wear these to church!” I am not sure we will actually wear those to church though…). Ollie got to be a monkey – Chris said the costume looked warm. And when he purses his lips together he really does look like a monkey. Tonight while we were out, many people giggled when they saw Oliver. More on that later. Here are the kids with mom inside our apartment. While we did see some kids out in costumes, no one seems to do real trick-or-treating here. I think they just go to friends’ houses, and since none of our friends live close by, that really isn’t an option. Instead we dressed the kids up and let them wear their costumes for a night out, and then came home to trick-or-treat in our apartment.
Ollie seemed to like Halloween because lots of people smiled at him, and Elora told him what a cute monkey he was. He was all smiles and giggles, even though he really didn’t do much trick-or-treating… instead he got to sit on our bed playing with Elora’s duck and teddy (two toys that are NEVER shared with him).

For trick-or-treating, I took the candy (provided by the missionaries, they like to bring us treats – very nice, because most candy here is really pricey and much nicer than the typical Halloween treats), and then I went in different rooms of the house and closed the door, so that Elora could knock and say, “trick-or-treat!”. It is cute how kids are always wondering, why am I doing this? for the first couple doors, and then they realize they are getting candy and start getting really excited about it.
Here is the cute picture I took just after opening the door to welcome my little trick-or-treater!

The costumes are ADORABLE!! I’m so glad to hear they can still celebrate!!
I wish people trick-or-treat here! I found out too late that they do out near the American school… needed to go visit some friends who live out there that night! Even better is that when the missionaries dropped off the candy they said they had costumes on it! Oh why did I have to be grocery shopping? I would have loved to have seen that…